My Mac Computer Museum from 1984 to now….

This is my collection of Macs, dating all the way back to the 1st Mac Classic in 1984–sitting on the left box behind the iPhone. It had 128K of RAM and a 400K Disk Drive. So much better than the IBM Selectric I bought in 1982 with 16K of memory.  I’ve been getting new Macs almost on the Moore’s Law schedule now that I look back at it, with chip density doubling every 18 months while manufacturing costs stay flat. My 2014 MacBook Air has 8GB of RAM and a 500GB Solid State HardDrive. And my first Mac and most recent MacBook Air each cost ~$2,500 … and that was also how much the IBM Selectric with the 16K of memory had cost.  Ah, keeping up with Moore’s Law. [There is a Newton in there somewhere, along with a couple of Portable Powerbooks and a Blue Bubble Mac and Clamshell Portable. And VideoWorks is running live on the Mac Classic screen. Thank you, Marc Canter and Jamie Fenton, for that demo copy in 1985. Suddenly things were moving, animated on the Mac screen, and everything has been moving ever since then.]

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